Ils se sont coincés la tête dans des endroits vraiment improbable !

Voici un ensemble de photos représentant des personnes qui se seraient coincés la tête dans des endroits totalement improbables !! Je ne comprend absolument pas comment ils ont pu se retrouver là…

lezapp56dac6839ce97 lezapp56dac6835aa6d lezapp56dac6835a43a lezapp56dac68351e9f lezapp56dac6834f16b

Pic from HotSpot Media - HORSING AROUND - In Pic - Danielle Morgan, 18 Firefighters free student stuck in clothes horse - A student had to be cut free by firefighters after getting trapped in a clothes horse for more than an hour.Careless Danielle Morgan, 18, said she was "mucking about" in her flatmate's bedroom when the accident happened.The footage was uploaded to YouTube and has had over 1,000 hits with 'occupyclotheshorse' also trending on twitter yesterday (Thu).After falling off the bed of friend Lisa Smith, 18, the clothes horse fell on top of her with her head going through its frame.She attempted to move a quilt which had been drying on the stand but it then locked into place.... SEE HOTSPOT COPY 0121 454 0606

Pic from HotSpot Media – HORSING AROUND – In Pic – Danielle Morgan, 18 Firefighters free student stuck in clothes horse – A student had to be cut free by firefighters after getting trapped in a clothes horse for more than an hour.Careless Danielle Morgan, 18, said she was « mucking about » in her flatmate’s bedroom when the accident happened.The footage was uploaded to YouTube and has had over 1,000 hits with ‘occupyclotheshorse’ also trending on twitter yesterday (Thu).After falling off the bed of friend Lisa Smith, 18, the clothes horse fell on top of her with her head going through its frame.She attempted to move a quilt which had been drying on the stand but it then locked into place…. SEE HOTSPOT COPY 0121 454 0606

lezapp56dac6834681d lezapp56dac68348f32 lezapp56dac68345216 lezapp56dac68343431

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