L’endroit le plus exclusif au monde: l’île privée de Marlon Brando!

Marlon Brando est tombé amoureux de sa femme Tarita sur cette île, quand ils ont tourné ensemble le film « Les Révoltés du Bounty » en 1962. L’endroit compte 35 luxueuses villas, avec piscine et plage privée. Sur cette île, le sentiment d’être seul au monde n’a jamais été autant présent.

Toutes les villas disposent aussi d’une salle de cinéma et d’une salle de bain extérieure. La chambre donne sur la plage privée et sur une lagune. Et si vous avez une petite faim, la carte du restaurant a été concoctée par le chef étoilé Guy Martin. De quoi faire plaisir à vos papilles gustatives.

TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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Pour atteindre cette île reculée, il faut prendre un vol avec la compagnie privée de Marlon Brando. Chaque semaine, des produits sont envoyés pour satisfaire les besoins de la clientèle. Et tous les matins, des jardiniers prennent soin de l’extérieur de la villa, pour que tout soit parfait.

Bonheur ultime: il n’y a aucun moustique sur l’île. Une équipe de scientifiques a réussi une expérience étonnante, en réussisant à rendre les moustiques infertiles grâce à une manipulation génétique. La tranquilité n’a jamais été aussi bien porté son nom sur « The Brando ».

Januray 15, 2007 - Tetiaroa, French Polynesia: Tetiaroa, an atoll of French Polynesia, site of the world class Tetiaroa eco-resort. Tetiaroa atoll was used as backdrop of the film Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Marlon Brando. This exquisite Polynesian heavenly site, located 30 miles north of Tahiti, is a place of stunning beauty, tranquility and rejuvenation, first for Tahitian royalty, who chose this island above all others for their summer retreat, and later for Marlon Brando who chose it for his personal sanctuary. In July 2014 a new luxury resort, The Brando, will open on this breathtakingly beautiful private atoll. (Piero Oliosi/Polaris) PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

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TETIAROA, French Polynesia, May 20, 2014. Be the first person to stay on the late Marlon Brando's own private island paradise as his life long dream of an Eco-friendly resort becomes a reality. Brando fell in love with the island in 1962 while filming Mutiny On The Bounty and later purchased the 2.3 square mile island in 1966 for $270,000. On July 1, 2014 The Brando resort will have its grand opening featuring 35 villas ranging from $4,100 per night for a 1-room villa all the way up to $12,330 per night for a 3-room villa. The price includes food and beverages as well as 24 hour dining. Each villa comes with its very own plunge pool. The 2,648 square foot 3-bedroom villa's include a bedroom and living area downstairs that includes a kitchen and wide entryway onto a large 2-tiered deck. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms are located upstairs, each with its own dressing room, bathroom and outdoor bathtub. The island is located 33 miles from Tahiti and accessible only by private plane. PICTURE SHOWS: An artist rendition of The Brando resort. PICTURE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT

© photo news.

Source: 7sur7.be

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