Une fête de 48 heures avant de se donner la mort, c’était sa dernière volonté

Tous ses amis connaissaient à l’avance la raison de leur présence à cette fête inhabituelle. Betsy Davis, en phase terminale, s’est offert une fête de deux jours avant de consommer des médicaments pour se donner la mort par euthanasie. C’était sa dernière volonté.

Tout a commencé par un mail envoyé à ses proches au début du mois de juillet. « Ces circonstances sont différentes par rapport à n’importe quelle fête à laquelle vous avez assisté. Elles exigent de la force émotionnelle, de la tolérance d’esprit et de la concentration ».

This July 24, 2016 photo provided by Niels Alpert, Betsy Davis, center, is accompanied by friends and family for her first ride in a friends new Tesla to a hillside to end her life during a "Right To Die Party" in Ojai, Calif. In early July, Davis emailed her closest friends and family to invite them to a two-day celebration, telling them: "These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness, and openness. And one rule: No crying. " The 41-year-old woman diagnosed with ALS, held the party to say goodbye before becoming one of the first California residents to take life-ending drugs under a new law that gave such an option to the terminally ill. (Niels Alpert via AP)

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This July 24, 2016 photo provided by Niels Alpert, Betsy Davis, smiles during a going away party with her family and friends in Ojai, Calif. In early July, Davis emailed her closest friends and family to invite them to a two-day celebration, telling them: "These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness, and openness. And one rule: No crying." Davis, diagnosed with ALS, held the party to say goodbye before becoming one of the first California residents to take life-ending drugs under a new law that gave such an option to the terminally ill. (Niels Alpert via AP)

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Betsy Davis, 41 ans, souffrait de sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) depuis trois ans. En phase terminale, elle a invité une trentaine d’amis pour une fête de 48 heures. Au bout de celle-ci et comme la loi l’autorise pour les personnes en phase terminale depuis un mois en Californie, elle s’est donnée la mort par euthanasie.

« Pour les invités, tout comme moi, ce fut très difficile à accepter. Après, on se devait d’être là pour elle », a raconté Nierls Alpert, l’un des invités.

This July 24, 2016 photo provided by Niels Alpert, Amanda Friedland, left, surrounded by friends and family adjusts her friend Betsy Davis's sash as she lays on a bed during her "Right To Die Party" in Ojai, Calif. In early July, Davis emailed her closest friends and family to invite them to a two-day celebration, telling them: "These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness, and openness. And one rule: No crying." The 41-year-old woman diagnosed with ALS, held the party to say goodbye before becoming one of the first California residents to take life-ending drugs under a new law that gave such an option to the terminally ill. (Niels Alpert via AP)

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Betsy Davis avait tout bien préparé à l’avance, y compris l’heure exacte de ses adieux. Tout ce petit beau monde s’était donné rendez-vous à Ojai (sud de la Californie) et la volonté de Betsy Davis a été respectée à la lettre. Au menu: des pizzas, de la musique et la diffusion de son film préféré (« La danse de la réalité » d’Alejandro Jodorowski).

Avant de s’en aller, chaque invité a pris du temps auprès de Betsy Davis. Ils ont tous échangé quelques mots, pris des photos et embrassé une dernière fois leur amie. Elle a ensuite pris de la morphine, du pentobarbital et de l’hydrate de chlore. Un « cocktail » prescrit par son médecin.

« C’est une belle mort pour elle. Elle a pris les devants et elle a transformé son combat en un chef-d’oeuvre », conclut son ami Nierls Alpert.

This July 23, 2016 photo provided by Niels Alpert, Kestrin Pantera plays her chello at a going away party for her friend Betsy Davis in Ojai, Calif. In early July, Davis emailed her closest friends and family to invite them to a two-day celebration, telling them: "These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness, and openness. And one rule: No crying." The 41-year-old woman diagnosed with ALS, held the party to say goodbye before becoming one of the first California residents to take life-ending drugs under a new law that gave such an option to the terminally ill. (Niels Alpert via AP)

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This July 24, 2016 photo provided by Niels Alpert, Amanda Friedland, left, surrounded by friends and family adjusts her friend Betsy Davis's sash as she lays on a bed during her "Right To Die Party" in Ojai, Calif. In early July, Davis emailed her closest friends and family to invite them to a two-day celebration, telling them: "These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness, and openness. And one rule: No crying." The 41-year-old woman diagnosed with ALS, held the party to say goodbye before becoming one of the first California residents to take life-ending drugs under a new law that gave such an option to the terminally ill. (Niels Alpert via AP)

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Source: 7sur7.be

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