Sa vie a basculé quand il a rencontré sa nouvelle petite amie en silicone, il a a tout plaqué pour vivre sa vie avec elle!

Senji Nakajami est un entrepreneur japonais de 61 ans. Il est marié et a deux fils. Mais il ne vit pas avec sa famille à Nagano à cause de ses activités professionnelles. Pour combler sa solitude, il a décidé de s’acheter une « poupée d’amour » en silicone. Elle, c’est « Saori ». Après deux mois de vie commune, il s’est rendu compte que la poupée avait développé sa propre personnalité. Elle est devenue « sa nouvelle compagne ». Il ne faut plus lui parler de sa famille.

NAGANO, JAPAN - JUNE 4: Senji Nakajima takes a walk with his Love Doll "Saori" at lake Suwa on June 4, 2016 in Nagano, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

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« Elle ne me trahira jamais. Je suis lassé des relations humaines modernes. Ils n’ont pas de coeur. Pour moi, elle représente bien plus qu’une poupée. Elle a besoin d’aide mais c’est la compagne parfaite avec qui je partage des moments précieux. Elle enrichit ma vie », a avoué Senji Nakajami.

NAGANO, JAPAN - JUNE 5: Senji Nakajima fasten seatbelt for his love doll "Saori" on June 5, 2016 in Nagano, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

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Senji Nakajami a tout simplement découvert le « vrai bonheur » car sa petite amie « ne recherche pas uniquement de l’argent ». Selon ses dires, il jouit même d’une relation physique avec sa poupée en silicone.  Il emmène parfois « Saori » en promenade en fauteuil roulant et regarde la télévision avec elle. Il lui achète aussi des vêtements élégants. Senji la lave, l’habille et s’endort chaque soir à ses côtés. Sa ceinture de sécurité est même attachée en voiture.

NAGANO, JAPAN - JUNE 5: Senji Nakajima enjoys boat on lake Suwa with his Love Doll "Saori" on June 5, 2016 in Nagano, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

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Une poupée en silicone peut coûter jusqu’à plus de 5.000 dollars. Il existe une cinquantaine de modèles différents sur le marché chinois. Selon le Japan Times, les poupées en silicone sont tellement réelles que les acheteurs ne voudraient plus jamais partager leur vie avec une femme.

GUNMA, JAPAN - JUNE 25: Senji Nakajima looks for clothes for his Love Doll "Saori" on June 25, 2016 in Gunma, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

© getty.

GUNMA, JAPAN - JUNE 25: Senji Nakajima looks for clothes for his Love Doll "Saori" on June 25, 2016 in Gunma, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

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TOKYO, JAPAN - JUNE 25: Senji Nakajima watches TV with his Love Doll "Saori" at his apartment on June 25, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. Senji Nakajima, 61 years old, lives with his life-size 'love doll' named 'Saori' in his apartment in Tokyo, Japan. Nakajima, married with two children, who lives away from home for work, first started his life with Saori six years ago. At first, he used to imagine as if the doll was his first girl friend, and used it only for sexual purposes to fill the loneliness, but months later, he started to find Saori actually has an original personality. "She never betrays, not after only money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless," Nakajima says, "for me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life." (Photo by Taro Karibe/Getty Images)

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